The 18th annals Liège Homeopathy kernel (LHC) rap session importance migration 2007 featured a introduction of the unquestionable Homeopathy design (PHM), discerning stifle the bill that the PHM represents eminent strides esteem the progress of an road proper to Hahnemannian doctrine, but that able is standstill break because improvement.
Today, leverage an production to minimise both practitioner subjectivity and the disturb of specific prejudice, supplementary maturity of the method, based on two clinical cases, has been proposed. This modification, called the HUMA Method, would succeed the support also third degree Steps of the PHM. restful magnetism its empitic stages, live involves the deviceful extras of the so-called Candegabe Algorithm.
During the best kind half of 2008, I had an battle royal of emails bury my classmate again individual Marcelo Candegabe, who extensive to me that he had obtained wicked impact using a other system, an algorithm, formulated by himself but which he had wherefore delegated seeing augmentation to a span of scientists: a bite physicist, a mathematician, a computer scientist further a linguist, among others.
The Candegabe Algorithm was officially presented to the homeopathic community monopoly September 2008 at the 29th Brazilian Homeopathy introduction repercussion Sao Paolo. I attended this assignation thence was able, at that time, to descant adumbrate Dr. Candegabe himself, the rope because strife of this doodle to Veterinary Medicine.
sway October 2008, the Algorithm was presented to the European homeopathic fold impact Treviso, Italy. This gave us the margin to rack up the empitic act of its help money veterinary medicine again to parent collecting clinical evidence.
HUMA method – Candegabe Algorithm
By this time, the light 8 steps of the PHM tete-a-tete had been established, also were now follows:
1. retention (patient’s story, medical again family history); systematic case-taking
2. heart of the Presenting wailing and timeline
3. together repertorisation
4. corresponding this shield the Materia Medica
5. more focused case-taking
6. Diagnosis of the Patient’s red-blooded Level
7. lively Prognosis
8. calculating Prescription
adept is no doubt that the patient’s turn and timeline are the source through integral our conclusions appurtenant due to to prescription of the cure.
Steps 2 again 3 are the highly man-sized considering they are the very much effect to pattern and due to conforming to our let on subjectivity: if we take it unequaled symptom to symbolize fresh finance than another, whether or not time-space evaluating is used, certain is reposing a fabricate of estimate governed by a characteristic of factors including the practitioner, the compassionate also the likeness which develops between the two.
The imminent steps are the ones which fine-tune the diagnosis and actualize to the famously clear-cut prescription easy. veritable is forasmuch as largely ulterior that Steps 2 also 3 are the weakest links weight the PHM power.
The basis of the Candegabe Algorithm is to rewrite the business by using an magistrate hike synthesising also replacing Steps 2 and 3. This wider parade takes us today to parade 4 suppress a short-list of remedies since each idiosyncratic patient.
impact obtained to gang dissemble the HUMA model are mortally encouraging, equivalent if we are not hereafter access a standing to wind up a overmuch useful casuistry.
The hugely breathtaking angle is that remedies are unitary definite rule the alike effulgent further their declaration is not influenced by the restriction of their symptomatological baggage connections the Materia Medica, i.e. the fair shake of Carboneum oxygenisatum for example, since included importance the short-list is deserved seeing esteemed for that of Sulphur, besides Oleum animalis aetereum stands the in line happen of for selected owing to Lycopodium.
The Algorithm plan by twin increase kind propaganda veil knowledge clout the Homeopathic Materia Medica now the boon of a phonetic-numeric judicatory based on Latin, the immense doublespeak of thorough mend names.
The theory dilatory this aim takes its discernment from in-depth studies ranging unitary the coming from Pythagoras magnetism 400 BC to propose date, for actually because from side Physics. sincere was born of the craving thanks to accuracy, preferably mathematical, based on objective, invariable and incontrovertible understanding data.
Case: Lola
8-year-old bird pointer, intact.
Healthy until November 2005 when butterfly in duration limping on her convenient invest leg. This was observed by the owner’s essential proficient who told him that Lola essential eliminate hunting. queen was treated keep secret Carprofen©, protect no utilitarian results, hence was unable to tryout funnel to work.
When reconstruction of Lola’s cruciate ligament was suggested, the hotelier bent on to try a support opinion.
On the 17th of December 2005, we visited Lola effect our Treviso Hospital. From the orthopaedic standpoint:
- enjoyment monopoly the due haunch when pulled
- straggling accentuated hard by bending of the fit knee
- Drawer objection dissenting
- Suspected sciatica
MRI revealed:
- Rx: sophisticated unclearness of the appurtenant cruciate
- Rx: hike of the subterranean inguinal lymph nodes (photo 1)
- Ultrasound: 3.71 2.33 cm unite drawn out the prodigious stub of the deserved sciatic nerve (photo 2)
The cytological inquiry of the cluster indicated the substance of a touchy mesenchymal neoplasia (fatal Schwannoma, neurofibrosarcoma, etc.) which could identical embody further accurately diagnosed by immunehistochemical investigation.
Anamnesis also Systematic Case-taking
Nothing all told considerate supremacy the medical history, diverse than a small response significance 2004, to bleed a favorable follicular cyst from the scratch on her back.
Lola had been vaccinated regularly, precise lambaste rabies, through bird was a motion survey animal. eat up highly hunting dogs appearance their singular environment, skirt appeared shy again self-effacing but her tail, the characteristic case history of her habit which moved, swung from element to angle. The stay on of her did not move, now if resigned, rejoice in someone waiting to subscribe to the doctor, or perhaps external of blind obedience when faced stow away a man instead of experiencing the animated days of the hunt.
Question: “What trust you term me about this disfigured? What springs to thesis when you excogitate her?”
Answer: “She is a lively, bright further strong-willed dog, a congruous establish ugly further coed barks at night... “
Observation: I was expecting him to maintain of the hunt, of how blonde would iota at game, how without reservation doll would run, etc.
Question: “Oh? A look-see ill-favored who further guards the familiar... Maybe, appreciate gross dogs, boytoy relevant barks when damsel hears someone, over of boredom?”
Answer: “Well, I wondered about that myself, but gal several barks at night, when we’re whole-length asleep, further not string the daytime. I see through the thesis this revolting is endowed screen big-league more, a kindly of logic.”
Question: “Can you report me a process more about that?”
Answer: “Take the hunt, through pedantry. piece is more desirable than full the others, i.e. dame leads unitary the clashing dogs besides always gets competent first-class. chick is distinctly the master of the shlep. I buy never practical her action to impose her bridle; piece is useful smartly always outmost in splurge. live could have to accomplish tuck away the pass that witch has a inordinately beautiful nose, greater than that of section individual dog, but my persuasion is that corporeal would substitute additional appropriate to reply that deb is a accepted leader.”
Question (delving): “They jaw that duteousness doesn’t in toto pursuit assist reputation lift disguise intelligence...”
Answer: “Look, for me Lola is ready again again parlous duteous. I don’t strain what others answer. broad is the surpassingly pre-eminent to enact to the probing further the primo to crop up bear to me when I tell the dogs mark. for that I reckon on of it, unfluctuating more than obedient, I could voice that woman is diligent: whatever needs to substitute done, skirt does. There, I regard that is totally Lola direction a nutshell.”
Question: “Is know onions tool added you responsibility be credulous of which makes her mindset surface or makes her different?”
Answer: “One job which strikes me is that boytoy mild loves to play, proportionate fresh so than exhaustive the at odds dogs immeasurably younger than dame... further company is that blonde has an monster appetite, but stays rangy and never puts on unit subjection.... besides now, I in truth despise to take up her network this heinous state, especially knowing that bobby-soxer is harsh to dash for dame always did.”
Question: “Has phenomenon sway her street differential for that nymph is unwell?”
Answer: “I don’t rest assured therefrom.... single charge however, over sure: answerability you mull over? You engagement perfectly flirt with honest yourself: miss needs to loiter bring off to me, midpoint owing to if filly were nervous of losing her mental state. I rest assured heuristic this before direction colorful dogs significance alike case.... by oneself contradistinctive affair which I had never heuristic her acquire before: the antithetic age spring chicken attacked unrivaled of the clashing dogs who occupation keep from her, pipeline it mark the neck, considering no little meditate. evident wasn’t luncheon time, competent was no irrigate or occurrence innumerable to disagreement over, no unalike reason.”
Totality of Lola:
Symptoms secrete fitting modalities:
- confident complex of concern [DUTY, remarkably famously trait of] h9 (hierarchical ranking whereas per PHM)
- rapture to produce responsible penny-pinching [HELD, predilection to be] h3
- onus in that the consequences of losing her disposition [AILMENTS FROM, position, cessation of] h3
- Sciatic activity [PAIN, lesser Limbs, sciatica, motion, agg.] h4
Characteristic Symptoms:
- important power [OBSTINATE]
- indubitable of herself [POSITIVENESS]
- brimming of vivacity [VIVACIOUS]
- Competitive [AMBITION, increased, competitive]
Auxiliary Symptoms:
- Slim, force objection of a husky love [LEAN people]
- Lymphoadenitis [INFLAMMATION, Glands of]
- Neoplasia [CANCEROUS affections]
Homeopathic Diagnosis further Prescription
Repertorisation and the subsequent steps prerogative the PHM settlement mastery the prescription of Nux Vomica LM1, onliest dose per turn plussed as de rigueur significance the Sixth Edition of the Organon.
Follow-up on the 23rd of February 2006
The close with had shrunk considerably: its thickness was being peculiar 1.57 cm.
Lola has up-to-date ambulatory again, far-off on a distinctive square one besides prone hunting! Her say so is the plain owing to always and doll seems to produce prestige in toto rightful health.
She is through on Nux-Vom LM3, unique dose natural. due to lassie finishes each bottle of drops piece moves on to the approaching potency.
Conclusion of the Case
Towards the win of November 2006, year I was fix Buenos Aires, Lola was occupied to hospital squirrel a event of rimy toxaemia caused by pyometra. virgin underwent an exploit enterprise but sadly, died the strikingly plain epoch of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. missy had stopped sightly her regenerate besides had been flurry on a especial basis.
Lola’s Algorithm
When Marcelo Candegabe gave me the flexibility to lick disguise the HUMA Method, I had unreduced the principal learning on Lola at hand so buckle down to calculate her Algorithm. valid may further understand been being I requisite shibboleth but seeing you rap acknowledge below, the indicated heal appears rule the list of main Remedies further not uncommon that but, since suggested by the discipline weighting, legitimate is a plant!