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Monday, January 9, 2023

Eczema Homeopathy Solutions

Posted on 8:04 AM by Dr. Saleh M. Aarif

 Eczema (homeopathy)

Remedial options

Primary remedies

Album Arsenicum

People who need this drug are usually anxious, restless, and compulsively neat and tidy. The skin is dry, itchy and intensely burning. Scratching can make the itching worse, and applying heat will provide relief. When Arsenicum is indicated, indigestion often occurs with burning pain and a general feeling of coldness.

Calcarea carbonica

This remedy is suitable for people who are cold with clammy hands and feet and tend to develop eczema and cracking of the skin, which is worse in the winter season. They tire easily with exertion and feel anxious and overwhelmed when ill or overworked. A taste for sweets and eggs, a slow metabolism and a tendency to weight problems are other indications for Calcarea.


People who are likely to react to this drug have hard or leathery skin with cracks and pain, and often have a long history of skin disorders (impetigo, herpes, etc.) The areas behind the ears, around the mouth, or on the hands are often cracked, with a golden discharge that hardens into a crust. The itching is worse when you get warm in bed and you often scratch the irritated areas until they bleed. Difficulty concentrating, especially in the morning, is often seen in a person who needs graphite.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum

This remedy can be useful for very sensitive, cold people whose eczema is extremely painful and easily infected. The skin, especially on the hands and feet, appears cracked and deeply cracked and heals very slowly. The person usually feels vulnerable and irritable, with low resistance to disease and infection.


A person who needs this medicine often has severe anxiety, feels physically in the stomach. The intensely itchy eruptions start as blisters, then ooze and form thick crusts, and scratching can lead to thickening of the skin. Cold applications often help itching (although the person is generally cold). A desire for fat and a tendency to feel better in the open air are other indications for Mezereum.

Rhus toxicodendron

A person whose eczema has blister-like eruptions that appear red and swollen, itch intensely, and are relieved by hot applications may respond to this medication. The person is restless from discomfort and is often very irritable and anxious. Muscle stiffness, relieved by heat and movement, is also likely. A person in need of Rhus tox often craves cold milk.


Intense burning, itching, inflamed rashes, which are worse from heat and worse from bathing, indicate the need for this remedy. Affected areas may be red, with scaly or cracked skin. Eruptions can be dry or moist. This remedy is sometimes helpful for people who have repeatedly used eczema medications and ointments without success.

Other remedies

Antimonium crudum

People who are likely to react to this drug have eczema with thick, cracked skin and are also prone to indigestion. They are usually sensitive and sentimental, love to eat (craving pickles, vinegar and other sour things) and can be overweight. Children may be shy and irritable, insisting that they not be touched or looked at. Itching is worse from heat and exposure to the sun. Antimonium crudum is often indicated for impetigo, plantar warts and calluses, as well as eczema.

Arum triphyllum

This medication may be helpful when allergic skin rashes are focused on the lower face, especially around the mouth. The chin may look cracked and feel hot and irritated. The lips are chapped (and usually raw from the person picking them) and the nostrils may be sore. People who need this medicine are often prone to throat irritation and hoarseness.


This remedy (in a potentized homeopathic form) can be helpful if the irritated skin is prone to infection. Topical application of the unpotentized herb in lotion, gel, or tincture form soothes irritated skin and can often reduce inflammation and prevent infection without artificially suppressing it.


This medicine is indicated for people whose skin is extremely dry and prone to cracking, especially on the fingertips and palms. Eczema is worse in winter, with deep, painful cracks that often bleed. A person feels cold after scratching. The itching is worse at night and from getting warm in bed. The skin is easily infected and can harden and harden with chronic irritation.

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