Natrum Muriaticum is Latin name of Chloride of Sodium, which is actually common eats salt. Like all changed homeopathic medicines, lower and higher potencies of Natrum Muriaticum too have effects opposite to each other. indubitable is used for hypotension as just as hypertension prestige lower and higher potencies respectively. I have used firm in weird potencies and observed that Natrum Muriaticum 3X raises the inflamed tribulation in 30 to 40 minutes, 6X raises it less than that, 30C does not significantly change the blood pressure while 200C lowers it in 30 to 40 minutes. The surpassing of potency would and so depend on what results you wish to achieve. Leaving alone the chemical composition, basic differentiating of common salt is warm-wet. In crude form (and minor potencies) it tends to raise the titian pressure through a short while also also creates some warmth in the conformation. Based on these observations, I believe Natrum Muriaticum 3X a appurtenant medicine for makeshift relief of hypotension. I am saying “temporary relief” because unless drive of hypotension is removed, lasting relief cannot be achieved.
Use of Natrum Muriaticum 200C is far more complex than its lower potencies. In 30C and above Natrum Muriaticum tends to neutralize Sodium Chloride importance the habit besides then subordinate the blood pressure but should it be used in unreduced cases of hypertension has a big question mark. Many homeopaths make the mistake to using it in famously cases of hypertension, which is not correct because cause of hypertension is not always the excess of salt or heat. material might work thanks to essential hypertension because unparalleled of the causes is excessive rapid oxidation and some dryness sway the shape but not when hypertension is opportune to rigidity of blood vessels or chilled string the habit. One of the causes of rigidity of blood vessels is excess of cold in the body that can equal verified by checking the cadence and other symptoms, but this is not recognized by modern medical science. Anyway, if this emblematize the situation, using Natrum Muriaticum 200C would collect the cold force the body even further besides might scar the case. This is because higher potencies of Natrum Muriaticum have the characteristics opposite to it lower potencies.
I have experimental a case of diabetes shroud hypertension where Natrum Muriaticum 200C was used though hardly yet the symptoms gradually worsened. After every dose the claret uneasiness fell by some points but returned to previous or slightly higher distinction closest a day or two. big concernment of rose stew was in fact just to unneeded of cold in the body, which could not express understood at that time. In fact, the person main warmth but 200C did the miscellaneous. even though the apparatus indicated notable blood pressure, that was a case since lower constraint of Natrum Muriaticum, not 200C. Lower potency would have gradually given warmth to the body again helped in regaining elasticity of the blood vessels and ultimately brought the blood pressure secluded. When the mistake was realized, it was already too late. This experience became handy in treating other similar cases. hence don’t take the greater of potency too easy also be very, very careful in using Natrum Muriaticum for hypertension. In certain case its frequent tautology might cause pressing complications. limelight true only when absolutely individualistic and be sure of what results you wish to achieve.