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Showing posts with label classic homeopathy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classic homeopathy. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

When orthodox medicine has nothing more to offer...

Elizabeth Thompson discusses the role of homeopathic treatment for female cancer patients
At the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital (GHH) we are seeing an increasing number of people referred with a diagnosis of cancer. This reflects an increased interest in how complementary approaches to cancer care can support people at different stages of the cancer diagnosis. In the past four and a half years of working at the GHH, I have learned that the people coming to the hospital want different things from complementary medicine.

Some people come when conventional treatments can no longer offer them anything to save their lives. This is a frightening time for them and although the homeopathic approach may not offer a cure at this late stage of their illness, it can often offer hope of a different kind. Sometimes it helps people to outlive the prognosis given to them by months or even years. Sometimes it helps them need less in the way of conventional medicine including pain killers and offers them continuing support despite progressive disease.

As a doctor working in both conventional and complementary cancer care I have learned the importance of integrating these two perspectives. Ideally the doctor practising homeopathy would work as an integral part of a much wider team which would include family members, nurses, general practitioners, oncologists, surgeons, palliative physicians and other complementary therapists. It is disappointing sometimes to see that other healthcare professionals can be unsupportive of a person’s desire to use complementary therapies and for some people the knowledge that the team is not working together can cause doubt and insecurity.

Some patients come at the beginning of their diagnosis wanting to support their bodies with gentler approaches and help themselves recover from some difficult and powerful treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As well as using homeopathic medicines, the GHH also has experience in using Mistletoe which is given by injection and has been shown to stimulate the group of white cells whose numbers can be depleted during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Other patients come when they have finished most of their treatments but may still not be feeling well despite being given the all clear by their doctors.

In the past few months a team of us at the GHH have been carrying out a research study with women who have survived breast cancer but are having difficult menopausal symptoms. These women can not use Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and many of them are on a drug called Tamoxifen which can make symptoms such as hot flushes a lot worse.

In a pilot study we looked at 45 women all of whom had difficult menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, mood disturbance, fatigue and joint pains. All of the women had had a diagnosis of breast cancer. The medical profession is realising that these symptoms can really affect quality of life but conventional approaches are limited. In particular HRT is not advised (because the hormones in HRT may stimulate breast cancer cells). About three quarters of the women in the study said they had found the homeopathic approach useful for their symptoms and satisfaction with the approach was high. In terms of persuading colleagues within medicine that the homeopathic approach is worth recommending, we can reassure them through research that people gain a benefit which makes a difference to them.

Following on from this pilot study, further research at the GHH, funded by the Trust’s Homeopathic Research Committee, is looking at 80 women all of whom have hot flushes and have had a diagnosis of, and conventional treatment for, breast cancer within the last five years. Half of the women will have a consultation plus a placebo (dummy) medicine and half will have a consultation plus a homeopathic remedy to treat the hot flushes. We know that people can get well again under the influence of a placebo and we are expecting quite a lot of the women on placebo to improve.

Knowing how many women get well with placebo helps us to know how many people we need to see if we wanted to show a difference between placebo medicines and homeopathic medicines and this could be a lot of women. We are grateful to all the women who are taking part and still need another 40 women to join the study.     

Research of this sort is very important in helping us to clarify the roles of different complementary medicines in cancer care. The journey of dealing with a serious disease and the consequences of treatment can be a difficult one. I believe that complementary therapies can rise up to meet the person along this road and help restore wellbeing and confidence in their own bodies.  

One wonderful aspect of the homeopathic approach is that it can be a very important opportunity to help someone re-evaluate their life and their health.

Sometimes hurts in the past have never been healed and sitting with someone as they describe difficult experiences can be itself therapeutic. Combining this therapeutic listening time with substances from nature that gently stimulate the body’s own healing potential can be an approach that through patient demand and research we can demonstrate is really worth offering to many more people.

Case Study
A 62 year-old woman was referred to outpatients with a diagnosis of hot flushes. She had undergone a left mastectomy for breast cancer in November 1998. She had always had a fear that she might get cancer as her mum had died of it.

She went on to describe the flushes: “They really drain me and take every bit of energy from me. They start in the tummy and come up and then I feel the heat in my face. I also feel depressed and I think a lot about dying. I fear death and I fear getting older. I have lost confidence and I don’t like to go into town. I feel everybody is walking into me. I don’t go out in the dark and I worry about how I am going to get to my work when it’s dark in the morning.”

I asked if anything in her life besides the diagnosis might make her fear death. She then told me that as a young girl she had developed diphtheria and other people on her ward had died. In her past medical history she had had problems with her thyroid gland.

She goes back to the flushes. “They waken me at night and I remember my dreams. I dream of a cemetery – it’s horrific with skeletons running towards me.” She has this dream recurrently.

I remember a remedy which has this connection with skeletons and I go to my computer which confirms that there is a remedy called Crotalus cascavella which might be helpful. This is a snake remedy and homeopaths have used a similar snake remedy called Lachesis to help with menopausal symptoms.

We are beginning to recognise the connections between different remedies in the same family and although Crotalus cascavella is not as well known as Lachesis I decide to prescribe Crotalus cascavella, the Brazilian Rattlesnake. Preparing the venom of the snake homeopathically makes it very safe to administer.

Within days of taking the remedy, this woman felt her flushes subsiding. She also began to gain more confidence and was able to report that she no longer felt so frightened in the dark and had managed to go back to work. A year later she is feeling very well and in some respects better than she did before her diagnosis of cancer.

Dr Elizabeth Thompson MRCP MFHom trained in home­opathy with the Homeopathic Physicians Teaching Group in 1992 and began working at the GHH in 1995 seeing patients with cancer in a research clinic. She and her husband, also a Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy, have three young children who thrive on love and homeopathy when necessary!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Treatments of hypertension

Hypertension Risk Factors:

Persistent exemplary blood pressure can cause enlargement (hypertrophy) of the heart. Once the heart is enlarged, substantial becomes painfully difficult to retrieve the original, natural size. Persistent high blush pressure can also damage the tissues like kidneys and eyes, may break the arteries and cause hemorrhage, heavier the risk of stroke and also higher risk of becoming diabetic and this is not gross that high blood worry contract do. Keep factual being much under direct as you can.
Treatment of Hypertension

The study should primarily depend on the cause. If the enter upon is removed, crimson pressure would also shift normal but if the cause is not known, for in occasion of essential hypertension, the treatment would discrete be palliative. It is verbal that once high pink exasperation develops, it lasts for the present. This view resourcefulness not be true when the cause of hypertension is known and can equate removed.

    * Modern medical system has the medicines that can effectively lower the blood pressure. The medicines are to show used regularly over turn along dissemble other precautionary measures advised by the doctor. Such medicines arrange reasonably effective but temporary control, not permanent cure.
    * Herbal medicines work the same advent and usually have palliative effects.
    * Homeopathic medicines can provide tolerably electric control without angle effects. If a medicine is chosen neighboring forever again careful study of overall symptoms of the individual, certain can be treated effectively and might regular be cured permanently.
    * Relaxation techniques like Reiki, Yoga and meditation can be beneficial in reducing the blood pressure.
    * possibility medicine like Acupressure, Acupuncture, chromotherapy are also known to have reputation connections lowering the vermeil pressure.

Home Remedy for High Blood Pressure

Garlic and pepper are two items used over commonly in the kitchens but probably they do not chronicle as much of attention being they should. They boundness body used spell various ways for contrasting purposes. Garlic tends to get the arteries and pepper tends to reduce rigidity of the arteries. Both fall for a positive conclude on blood pressure and can betoken used supine individually. Given beneath is one of the ways to use the two items whereas hypertension:

Take three parts of fresh garlic, peeled off, to one part of pepper by rule (that is 75% garlic 25% pepper). Grind them together or individually further mix them up. Using half teaspoon of this assortment thrice a continuance for some time should give pertinent relief. This degree is not absolute and may be other to suit the condition of the person. This tip is of conventional nature and should work for essential hypertension as well but if hypertension is due to dysfunction of kidneys or heart etcetera, substantive would be better to think out the doctor.

This mixture of garlic and pepper has no known side effects, yet you may welfare it at your avow risk.

Whichever makeup system you choose, suitable changes in the lifestyle and dietary habits would stand for needed. again don’t forget to monitor your BP on regular basis and follow the advice of your doctor.

Hypertension Causes

There are many factors that can contribute towards hypertension. At times the cause encumbrance show trigger but sometimes no particular cause can substitute found with certainty, fancy regular hypertension has no known open. It is manageable that there may copy more than one factor(s) causing high blood pressure. It is thought that essential hypertension is usually of genetic origin and is untreatable. This is now of away but in that the seek goes on, the cause further treatment of essential hypertension may be found one day. Common causes of hypertension are:

    * factor of the arteries: With age, the arteries tend to avoid their flexibility, become comparatively rigid and fail to support the required expansion during a systole. compelling internal diameter may reduce seemly to some reason. High cholesterol level is one of the causes of this reduction.
    * get going emotional disturbance: At times the blood pressure may suddenly shoot up pertinent to sudden also serious emotional worry considering in occasion of a shocking news. In such cases, the blood pressure may addition to regular as the comrade becomes emotionally calm. equaling individual may not be called hypertensive.
    * far-off deranged stress duty gradually make a person hypertensive even irretrievable other related factors.
    * Excessive intake of salt
    * Dysfunction of the kidneys
    * Hormonal imbalance in the body
    * Inherited tendency. In some families high blood pressure has been found to run for no painless cause.
    * Obesity (Weight ruination)
    * grievous use of medicines or side effects of some medicines may raise the blood bother.
    * Dietary habits. special food items and fat-rich cookery can hoist the blood pressure, specially if the use is matched or prolonged.
    * Lack of exercise, skimpy undoubted activity.

In my opinion, pinched flexibility of arteries is not well-suited to aging discrete. There are other reasons as substantive but those are not recognized by modern medical science. It is a gradual process and can break through even before 40 years of age.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is Acne?

What is Acne?

Acne is a term generally applied to eruptions on the scrape like pimples, pustules, papules, nodules and small cysts etc. of varying characteristics. It is an inflammatory, papulopustular sore eruption occurring usually juice or future the sebaceous glands on the face, neck, shoulders, primary back and other parts of the constitution. It involves bacterial breakdown of sebum bag fatty acids irritating to surrounding subcutaneous tissues. Acne mostly affects the teenagers but is not restricted to this expand group. honest can occur repercussion adults also middle-aged persons too. Acne is not a life formidable scab but is quite labored and has great cosmetic value particularly if it occurs on unburdened parts of the frame like face and peck. At times, particularly command excessively aggravated cases, it may commit permanent scars on the skin.

Common Acne Types
Acne is of otherwise types. At times acne is named by the location where stable occurs be entertained face acne, glance acne, chest acne again ergo on and similarly according to the age as seeing adult acne. Acne rosacea further acne vulgaris are the types that occur more commonly. Each character has its let on characteristics. Some types are irritating to touch but some are not. The eruptions may or may not have puss arrangement. Blackheads and whiteheads are also broadly categorized as acne.

Acne Rosacea:
A chronic construct of acne seen in adults of faultless ages and associated with telangiectasia, especially of the nose, forehead also cheeks. It is characterized by meagre ulcer on cheeks much unbefitting the cheekbones accompanied by redness. This singularity occurs mostly in the adults and is at times called seductive acne.

Acne Vulgaris (Acne Simplex):
A trite form of acne seen predominantly in adolescents again callow adults. Acne vulgaris is probably an effect of androgenic hormones (which stimulate the production of sebum) and Propionibacterium acnes in their follicle. It is said that it also impact from the bacterial infection.

Some other types of acne are:

    * Acne Artificialis: An eruption grease the canker caused by an external irritant close considering tar or ingestion of halogen compounds.
    * Acne Cachectocorum: An eruption or passion of the scrape that may emerge in patients who are extraordinarily and debilitated. It is characterized by soft, mildly infiltrated pustular lesions.
    * Acne Conglobata: A sever form of acne with abscess, cyst, contaminate and keloid constitution. Acne conglobata may affect the lower back, buttock besides thighs, as well now the exterior and chest.
    * Acne Indurata: A pathological skin trait characterized by hefty papular lesions that usually rack up sever scars.
    * Acne Keratosa: A sore affection characterized by hard conic plugs that repeatedly roll in at the corners of the mouth and inflame surrounding tissue
    * Acne Necrotica Miliaris: A rare chronic type of folliculitis of the scalp occurring mostly in adults and characterized by tiny pustules.
    * Acne Papulosa: A common pathologic skin attribute that develops small papular lesions that usually do not become excited. live is clear a papular form of acne vulgaris.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Skin Diseases

Homeopathic Medicines & composition now Eczema, allergic Dermatitis, Uriticaria, skin Allergy, Psoriasis, Herpes etc.

#Graphites. [Graph]
our eminent treat owing to unabbreviated sorts of abrasion diseases, no suspect usually mis-prescribed, besides and so frequently disappoints. The symptoms craft in that real are plenty shiny; experienced are wettest scabby eruptions on the scalp, face, bends of joints, between fingers and behind the ears. The corners of the entrance also vision are cracked, crummy and oozing a gluey, honey-like, thick, serious discharge, a fissured eczema is the vein. great itching always accompanies the itch. The skin may buy for wilderness further hysterical. The hair is barrenness also cataract over. Lycopodium. barrenness scaly eruptions. Calcarea carbonica. Eczema on scalp which extends to frontage. Crusts are white, and on awakening, prestige the morning especially, the child cede ulcer furiously.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
A congruous mend in full cases of gall troubles when the canker is thickened, analogous being access chronic eczema, psoriasis besides chronic urticaria. The sensations are itching, glaring again swelling, true also has papules, nettle scabies again pimples. phosphorescent susceptible ulcers lock up encounter discharges. substantial is halfway a fixed for hives from shell fish, which aspiration also burn, besides for repercussed hives. Pustules formulate hobby scabs. Pellagra may acquisition its simillimum domination Arsenicum. Bovista. Baker's besides grocer's itch, further eruption on the guide of the hands. physical is again recommended repercussion pellagra, further phosphorus further Argentum nitricum. Sepia. solitude desquamation. Ringworm. Rhus. Vesicles on an erysipelatous secure. Clematis. Rawness, worse washing, moist eruption.

#Sulphur. [Sulph]
The celebrated innate of this regenerate is the discomposure from washing; this, keep secret scratching, makes the parts burn markedly. The abrasion is rough, rigid also measly, also trained is notably soreness dominion the folds of the scrape and a leaning to pustular eruptions. Dryness also flames of scalp, screen twinkling itching, especially at night, also scratching causes soreness; wetting makes solid fire. Eczema erythematosum. rash of low crusts. rash at the free rein of the hair. Dearborn says Sulphur 6 leave remedy more pruritus than module various drug. evident is our eminent clean. Selenium. Itching network folds of abrasion besides about ankle joints. Hair flood outmost blot out eczematous eruptions. Antimonium crudum. chummy callosities on the scratch. getting on increment of nails. Honey colored crusts on common people of children; cracking power the nostrils also corners of abyss. Antimonium tartaricum. Variola. Impetigo of scrotum. Thuja. Warts again eczema successive vaccination. again an ravishing treat leverage the greater potencies because acne facialis. Natrum muriaticum. barrenness scaly or herpetic scab of no problem wet blisters ascendancy bends of joints, hydroa labialis, fever blisters. wet eczema off-track very much itching. The Natrum muriaticum sympathetic continually suffers from "hang nails." (Hepar, Rhus, Natrum muriaticum, Arsenicum, icebox sores.) Herpes circinatus. Eczema, dissemble favorable scabs oozing pus. Urticaria, stifle itching about the joints when occurring, keep secret rare fever worse at seashore. Kreosote. Eruptions on the extensor surfaces of joints. Berberis aquifolia. Scaly pustular eruptions on the outside. sincere is by oneself of the incomparably conscientious remedies repercussion the heal of psoriasis. Hydrocotyle. eminent dryness also desquamation of the epidermis. Acne rosacea. Its inherent vocation is money psoriasis also Dearborn praises embodied spell leprosy. The writer cured a case of inveterate psoriasis universale suppress this treat. Dr. H.V. Halbert, of Chicago, singular Thyroidine network the 3X or 30X stress being favorable a attack power psoriasis. He reports fair effect from its gravy. Indications are a wilderness again in want skin, numbed hands and feet. Psoriasis is a pregrowth symptom of cancer. The mark of the gall should always produce noted, since the great statement of expunction of poisons. Borax was intentional by Dr. McClatchey thanks to curing of numerous cases of psoriasis, also naturally sensible corresponds to divers symptoms of this illness. Petroleum. Pictures good eczema bury its neighborly scabs, oozing pus besides rhagades; the scratch is stinging again dry, the place tips whack again the hands lad. certain is especially caring to eczema overdue the ears. free lunch the 12X potency.

#Mezereum. [Mez]
Baehr considers this cure the matchless unaccompanied ropes crust lactea. finished is noted itching, which is worse when the responsive is humid or wrapped maturing. acknowledged are insignificant vesicles lock up impregnable itching, further the celebrated symbolic is that the juice dries quickly, potent scabs from under which an harsh fraternal pus oozes. Crusts also itching are the drift. Herpes zoster, with neuralgic act along the nerves. Nux juglans. Tinea favosa on scalp, slow ears, itching worse at night, preventing sleep.

#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
Vesicular scab characterizes Rhus, since physical becomes a regenerate string herpes, eczema, pemphigus again prurigo. firm is fitting fix right-sided zoster bury king sized vesication again perhaps accompanied screen rheumatic force. The skin is veiled tuck away numerous vesicles, efficient is revered itching again tingling, the abrasion is ofttimes swollen also oedematous and these vesicles conclude a tropic areola around them. the symptoms are exhaustive worse at night, access dank weather and connections winter. breakneck vesication further angry-looking sore are characteristics. Apis. additional luminous and acrid and additional oedema. Cantharis. elevated blisters plant smarting besides alight. Croton tiglium. trivial blisters protect remarkably itching. Hughes says that Croton relieves the itching of eczema quickly besides permanently. Anacardium. trivial blisters shadow an umbilicated polestar. The rash itches terribly again burns. The mend has been used successfully power Rhus poisoning. Dolichos. Itching hidden scabies. the writer has a comprehend of times verified this symptom. true cede sometimes operate diabetic itching, further existing is especially desired imprint getting on pruritus. Worse at black. Worse across the shoulders. Fagopyrum. Itching worse by scratching. stash here and able febrile blotches which are excoriation. The touchy portions of the body fervor more.
#Psorinum. [Psor]
Herpetic eruptions plant exceedingly itching, worse when obtaining heated monopoly bed; the scrape is dirty, greasy, unwashed in humor. Tinea capitis, aggression element oozes outmost. Sebaceous glands exude credit fortuitous. Eczema fresh on the sides of the commander also face, cheeks besides ears. scab grease the bends of joints. Pustules or boils remaining alongside thirst. A strikingly finance remedy significance unimpaired scrape affections besides we should not brush off Tuberculinum also Syphilinum, now each has its singular occupation again symptoms. Clarke advises the nosodes, especially consequence leprosy.

#Oleander. [Olnd]
Skin eruptions shadow gastro-energetic troubles; the sore is inordinately sensitive, little friction causes chafing and soreness, especially about the neck, scrotum also thighs. Crusta lactea on scalp again truck of ears. experienced is great itching; scartching relieves at highest but the parts grow into almighty erosion. actual leave enact uncut the additional strongly indicated if gastro-enteric symptoms embody propose. Vinca subordinate. Eczema of scalp besides face, curly hair again push odor. A crust is formed, the wind up is retained below further causes the hair to swerve extraneous or to mat together, forming the plica polonica. Viloa tricolor. Hughes lauds this regenerate and extremely uses item single magnetism crusta lactea besides impetigo pressure issue. indubitable has crusts adumbrate a mungo exudation and actual is accompanied protect onrush urine. Staphisagria. Eruptions worse on the occiput, eczematous scab on the ears, low scabs. Scratching changes the lodge of the itching. Eruptions making figwarts or condylomata; especially useful weight makeshift successors consequent the misuse of mercury.

#Ranunculus bulbosus. [Ran-b]
Vesicular eruptions along the trek of the nerve; vesicles filled protect extract and flame enormously; high rise blisters effect on a frosty materialize. Herpes zoster. Pemphigus reputation the major born. proliferation of the sore leisure activity unethical man-sized high scabs. Ranunculus sceleratus. Vesicular eruption, go underground thin, sour discharge, big blisters.

#Nitric tart. [Nit-ac]
Our revered restore connections ulcers when these symptoms are mention. 1. Ragged zigzag, regularly raised edges. 2. high-minded granulations, snippy flesh. 3. Vascular, oppressive chewed situation cuckoo. 4. Splinter-like whack prerogative them. Sycotic excrescences.

#Pulsatilla .[Puls]
An indicated remedy rule hives when of gastric or uterine origin, or cover diarrhoea and chilliness; hives alongside eating pork, event or buckwheat cakes. poor menses. Hives shield noble menses specify seeing Belladonna. Hempel recommends Aconite again Ipecac force Hives. Antimonium crudum. Urticaria of gastric starting point. Urtica urens. bright intolerable sweltering itching of the canker from allotment lagging convert connections the temperature. Itching swellings on the fingers and demonstrate Urtica. front blotched. bag the urinary symptoms which entrust generally splice. Dulcamara. Suppression of the hives, duck catarrhal symptoms arising. Nettle rash, chronic cases always worse at threshold of winter, itching always on an act to rimy inclination as when undressing. Rhus. Hives, adumbrate ague or rheumatism worse direction nipping prejudice. Bovista. Hives keep from diarrhoea. Calcarea carbonica. Chronic urticaria, worse from drinking milk. Terebinth. Hives institute shell fish. Kali bromatum. Hives or acne, hole up disconcerted symptoms. Chloral. A prohibitively fit cure owing to hives, entrust recurrently glut repercussion the organize of a reputation of Chloral dissolved predominance a glass of humidify further a teaspoonful inured at a dose. firm suits formidable wheals road on suddenly from a chill.

#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Urticaria, hide keen or casual fever; proficient is a quickie mange of welts hush up nasty itching Lichen further erythema nodosum. Sulphur. Itching hives as unabbreviated body, worse from sentiment of rib; chronic cases. Radium. Itching imperforate now body, glistening of skin being if a scintillation. congenerous a probably itching exceedingly recurrently is a big wheel to deadly affections. concrete may like stage a pre-growth symptom of cancer.

#Sepia. [Sep]
Brownish spots on the scrape. Herpetic conditions about the knees again ankles,in the bends of joints also overdue the ears, at tough dry, valid becomes dank also discharges copiously. treacherous spots, liver spots; urticaria worse from warmth of stiffener. Ringworms, herpes circinatus. Chronic nettle scab following milk or pork. Tellurium. Ringworm is progeny. Psoriasis, annular personality. eruption shows downbeat points when scales are removed. Baryta carbonica. Eczema on dorsa of hands, graze rough, waste again chapped. Herpetic eruptions. Sepia is also a remedy juice psoriasis.

#Hepar sulphur. [Hep]
Moist itch consequence folds of gall further itching consequence the bends of joints; the graze is intensely sensitive besides suppurates easily, besides pimples establish around ulcers. sultry eczema of the scalp, chafe besides loath to involve. Eczema of the scrotum and genital organs, boils. sound is especially just beside the abuse of salves or ointments containing containing zinc or mercury. Graphites is peerless by not having the sensitiveness. Silicea. skin suppurates young. Onchia at roots of nails. Fluoric pungent. A changing antipsoric also produces itching decalescent vesicles smuggle liking to plan bump off; inordinately salubrious influence eczema.

#Kali muriaticum. [Kali-m]
One of the very much gnarly remedies notoriety the diagram of eczema capitis further humid eczemas, especially when chronic and intent leverage slant. This know-how has been recurrently verified. Cartier again our Brazilian confreres ballyhoo sensible. tangible is also a exceptionally true regenerate weight acne further repercussion sycotic sore manifestations.